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As a subject matter expert, you know you need content. Right!?

To create awareness in the market for today’s and tomorrow’s challenges. To stay at the top of your potential clients’ minds. And to generate an interest in your solutions.

You know content can come in many different forms, shapes, and sizes. It can be a podcast, LinkedIn post, opinion piece, or presentation during an event.

No matter the format you pick, you should always try and make your content valuable.

And, here’s the trick…

The value of your content is not determined by you: the creator. Instead, the value is determined by your target audience: your listeners, readers, or viewers.

So, when it comes to marketing, your content should always be client-centric.

This can be challenging. Because, as a subject matter expert, you are always more knowledgable on a topic and more experienced than your clients.

In order to avoid knowledge gaps and tap into the current perception of your target audience, take inspiration for your content from the market and your clients.

Here are 4 ways you can let them inspire you:

  1. Talk to your clients.

    Don’t underestimate the privileged position you’re in.

    As a subject matter expert in a professional service firm, you have lots of opportunities to check-in with your clients and discuss market developments, challenges for their organization, and personal needs.
  2. Track market developments.

    You may already be following several professional media outlets in order to stay up to speed on what’s going on in your clients’ industry.

    It’s fairly simple to restructure your efforts into a market tracking system and automatically stay updated on market developments. 
  3. Listen in on your clients.

    Because your target audience consists of a small group of people at a limited number of companies, you can also listen in on what they’re talking about on LinkedIn
  4. Let generative AI help you.

    With a few consecutive prompts you can figure out corporate objectives for your clients, their challenges, and pains they experience.  

Hope this helps you find the inspiration you need to create valuable client-centric content!

Thank you for reading Nudge #044, sent to busy subject matter experts on March 4, 2025.

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