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Help your experts become Activators

Professional services marketing is… very different from other forms of B2B marketing. The reason? People. In professional services, you’re not…

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Focus on your ideal clients!

Just like many other subject matter experts, you may currently be swamped with work. But, are you doing your best…

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Develop a clear and distinct vision

Most professional service firms aspire to be thought leaders. They want to be recognized as distinct and trusted authorities within…

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Be curious, become more interesting

Marketing is all about driving attention and interest. When marketing your services, it helps to be seen as an engaging…

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How to involve your experts?

In professional services, marketing is a shared responsibility. Between your marketing department and your subject matter experts. After all, it’s their expertise…

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Stop losing sales

Ever spoken to a prospect who you just knew would become a client? But then, at the very last moment,…

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No more ‘coloring in department’

Is your marketing team considered the ‘coloring in department’? Then, you’re in trouble. Here’s why. When you’re seen as the…

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Change what people know, think, and do

Changing what people know, what they think, and what they do; it’s what marketers are constantly trying to do. One…

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Local marketing autonomy

As a local marketer within a global firm, you need autonomy. You can only be successful if you get the…

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Generate a full year of content ideas

Want to generate a full year of content ideas? Build your prompt at and use OpenAI’s ChatGPT or Google’s Gemini to…

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You may have scared your colleagues

I know you don’t mean to, but chances are you’re scaring your colleagues… Recently, I spoke to a marketer at…

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Be more confident and more convincing

“To sell is human,” says Daniel Pink. In his 2013 book with the same title Pink describes how all of us are…

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Stop using that funnel

Stop using the marketing & sales funnel with non-marketers. Have you ever tried to explain marketing or sales using the…

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6 I’s you can bring to your next client meeting

Meetings with subject matter experts (like you – and me) can be extremely boring. As experts we tend to loose ourselves in the…

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Ritson’s 3 simple strategy questions

You gotta love Mark Ritson. Not just for the way he pronounces ‘marketers’ with a thick Australian accent. Or for his…

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