
Professional services marketing

Generate more work that matters
for clients that care

Maybe you’re currently not thinking much about optimizing your marketing and business development efforts. And honestly, I don’t blame you.

After all, at this very moment, there’s no lack of work for your organization. I do think, however, that many of your subject matter experts could do more work that matters for clients that care.

In order to generate that type of work, you need a robust marketing strategy. You also need to recognize that professional services marketing is different from other forms of B2B marketing.

As in professional service firms, marketing and business development are not support activities. Instead, they are important primary activities.

Marketing; from strategy to execution

I help professional service firms iron out the hiccups in their marketing.
And achieve the results that match their ambition.

Assess and improve your marketing plans

Marketing strategies; developed & executed

Sparring partner for marketers & business developers

Stronger MBD skills for your subject matter experts

Previously, I had the pleasure to work for professional service firms like…

An overview of clients and assignments, can be found here.

About Jochem

I believe your marketing improves dramatically, if you involve the subject matter experts from your organization.

As, for professional service firms, marketing is a shared responsibility. Between your marketing department and your subject matter experts, who cultivate relationships with the market and trust from their clients.

Give these experts the insights they need. And create an impact that matches your organization’s ambition.

If we do this together, I’ll give my 100%. For me a project is successful if we achieve actual, business results. If we are able to form connections and set people in motion.

Bi-weekly MBD tips; delivered directly to your inbox!

You may have skipped a step

In order to reach your marketing objectives, you probably want people within your organization to change their behavior. So, in essence, you’re managing organizational change.

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Control & convenience

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Essentially, people are always looking for the same 2 things: control & convenience. That includes the people you’re trying to interest in your services.

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Trends vs. hypes

Hypes are cool. They are new. Exciting even. Trends are totally different. They are boring. And seemingly repetitve. However, I do believe there’s a connection between the two.

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Facts and figures alone won’t cut it

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When marketing your services, facts and figures alone won’t cut it. You also need compelling stories to change what people know, what they feel and what they do.

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