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“To sell is human,” says Daniel Pink.

In his 2013 book with the same title Pink describes how all of us are constantly ‘selling’. As we are continuously trying to convince others to do what we would like them to do.

In a business context, I believe sales is all about removing barriers to buy.

We’re trying to convince potential clients that their return will be bigger than their investment. That the chances of them gaining something are bigger than the risks of them losing something.

Now, in order to convince others you need to be… convincing.

This can be hard, as our limiting beliefs sometimes prevent us to be convinced of ourselves.

We then start thinking things like “I can’t do this.” Or “I’m not good enough.” Or “Why would anyone care (about me and my services).”

And, when we doubt ourselves, it is much harder to convince others. As they will start doubting us too.

In order to prevent this, sales manager Daniëlle du Saar shared 3 tips on LinkedIn. To stop doubting yourself and boost your confidence.

  1. Have regular conversations with happy clients. Hear about the results they have achieved using your services. Learn why using your services has made them happy.
  2. Collect compliments. Whenever you receive a compliment save it for later. In a Gmail folder, OneNote page, or Word document on your desktop. Whatever you chose, make sure you’re able to access it quickly if you need a little ‘ego boost’.
  3. Review success cases. Regularly read up on positive client experiences. What was their challenge? How did you help them overcome this challenge? And what did you help them to achieve? If haven’t developed any success cases yet, consider this another good reason to start doing so.

Hope this helps you be more confident and more convincing in your next sales meeting.

Thank you for reading Nudge #022, sent to busy subject matter experts on April 30, 2024.

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