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Marketing is all about driving attention and interest.

When marketing your services, it helps to be seen as an engaging or interesting person.

According to dr. Travis Bradberry (who is an expert on emotional intelligence) everyone can become more interesting.

How? “That’s simple,” Bradberry says, “Just be curious!”

Bradberry recommends consciously practicing the following 7 behaviors:

  1. Always be learning – Don’t be afraid of the things you don’t know. Consider every day an infinite number of possibilities. Go out into the world and discover. Always keep a sense of wonder. Keep asking that good old toddler question: “Why?”
  2. Try new things – Even when you’re terrible at them at first. If you think it may be beneficial (to you and others), go out there and do it.
  3. Check your ego at the door – Don’t worry too much about what others may think. Understand your core values, know your goals, and be explicit about your ambitions. Use them as your compass. Instead of what others might say.
  4. Share what you discover – Don’t keep the things you’ve learned to yourself. Feel out what other people could benefit from. Share your insights, so others can enjoy them.
  5. Avoid the bandwagon – Of course, things are done in a certain way for a certain reason. However, the beaten path is a boring one. Better to stay off it and forge your own.
  6. Don’t hide your quirks – Embrace them. Be open and unabashed (love that word) about who you are. Be you – not what others expect you to be.
  7. Be passionate – Uncover what makes you tick. And devote yourself to it.

We all want to be recognized for who we are. Right? It’s actually one of our universal needs.

We want people to see us. And appreciate the things we do. We want others to take an interest in us. When they do, it makes us happy.

Hope this helps!

Thank you for reading Nudge #026, sent to busy subject matter experts on June 25, 2024.

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