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“Did you finish that thing you said you would?” “Sorry, I didn’t get around to it…”

This happens a lot. Right? Don’t you hate it? I know I do. I’m working with people on something important and then something else comes along which is more urgent. And, instead of working on the important thing, they do the urgent thing.

There’s a big difference between importance and urgency. Often the things that are most important, are not that urgent. Let me give you an example.

Staying healthy is important to me. It allows me to work, to take care of my daughters, and to do fun things for myself. In order to stay healthy, I need to get up from behind my desk and go to the gym. However, when I’m at my desk and on my computer, “urgent” things get in the way. Like a client email or a WhatsApp message from a friend.

The problem with urgent things, is that often they are not important. They just get in the way of the things that are.

As a busy subject matter expert you know this is true for marketing and sales. If you want to be in business tomorrow, you need to build relationships with tomorrow’s clients, today. However, “urgent” things like client emails and WhatsApp messages get in the way.

And, to make things extra complicated, this is also true for your clients. The important thing for them is to hire you and use your services to deliver on their long-term strategic objectives. However, “urgent” things get in their way.

Now, how do you make important things urgent?

When it comes to your marketing and sales, that’s up to you. Agree on a fixed amount of time each week to build relationships with tomorrow’s clients. Put that time on your calendar. And treat the meeting (with yourself) as if it were a client meeting.

When it comes to your clients, explain the urgency of your services to them. Know which trends are impacting their business and changing their outlook. Understand your clients’ goals and everyday struggles. And show them how your services help your clients overcome their challenges.

Make important things urgent.

Hope this helps!

Thank you for reading Nudge #010, sent to busy subject matter experts on November 14, 2023.

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