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We live in a delayed-return environment. Which means – and this is the hard part – we need to be patient. With most things we do, we’ll have to wait before it yields us any benefit.

This is also true for marketing your services. If you start creating thought leadership content today, it will take a while before that first client shows up on your door step.

All the time that sits in between your first effort and that potential client showing up, creates – as James Clear puts it –  a Valley of Disappointment.

In the Valley of Disappointment it’s cold, dark and lonely. You’re working your ass off and there are no results. You’re getting tired. You’re starting to think that nobody cares. You’re about to give up. When, suddenly, that door bell rings.

You forgot that all the efforts you’ve put in, have been adding up over time.

You’ve created that piece of content. Somebody actually read it. They thought about it. Saw another post by you. Checked your LinkedIn profile. Visited your website. They discussed your offer with their manager. And then called you.

Out of the blue? Absolutely not. It just took time.

When you’re on the right track, just keep putting in that effort. And be patient. Mind the gap that sits in between your first effort and the expected result. Don’t get stuck in the valley of disappointment.

Hope this helps!

Thank you for reading Nudge #014, sent to busy subject matter experts on January 9, 2024.

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