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This happens quite often in professional service firms…

A partner, director or VP shows up at your desk: “Here’s an ad. And € 10 K to run it. I expect the results (i.e. work for my team) tomorrow.”

As a marketer, this probably leaves you with mixed feelings:

On the one hand, you’re happy with the advertising budget. Maybe even with the copy they’ve provided.

On the other, you need to explain to the subject matter expert at your desk, that this is not how it works. Publishing an ad today will not lead to business tomorrow.

There is no cutting corners.

You’ll have to educate your colleague on the buyer journey. A concept which describes the 3 phases that a potential client goes through before they become an actual client: awarenessconsideration and decision.

  1. During the awareness phase, potential clients become aware of an imminent challenge (or opportunity) in front of them.
  2. In the consideration phase, they consider using your solution (and others) to overcome this challenge (or seize the opportunity).
  3. In the decision phase, they – together with members of the decision making unit – decide to buy your services. And become a client.

Running an ad could make sense. However, you need to understand why you’re running the ad. Where is your target audience in their buyer journey?

If potential clients are unaware of the challenge in front of them, you should leverage your understanding of where the market is headed. And paint them a vivid picture of the obstacles along the way.

If you want potential clients to consider your services, you should educate them on how your services help them overcome the obstacles in their way.

If you want potential clients to decide in favor of your services, you shouldn’t run an ad. You should help your contact sell your services to their colleagues. But that’s a story for another time.

Hope this helps!

Thank you for reading MBD Boost #004, sent to marketers and business developers on February 27, 2024.

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