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Life is easier, once you uncover your core values.

When marketing your services, it is very important that clients understand what makes you tick. And, honestly, it’s also quite helpful to know yourself. 

But, what a shitty question, right? “What makes you tick?” At least, that’s how I feel.

I always got a little annoyed when people asked me. “I don’t know,” I would think, “At times, things just seem to flow. At other times, they don’t.”

Then I learned about something that successful people, brands and businesses have in common. They know their core values. And act upon them. Always.

If you know your core values and are able to act upon them, you’ll be doing things from a place of strength. You’ll be able to work passionately and time just seems to fly by. Sounds good, right!?

Now, what are core values? 

Core values are the values that are most important to you. They provide guidance and direction. With everything you do.

  • Now. And in 20, 50 or even 100 years.
  • In your current and possible future jobs.
  • In case you’re no longer rewarded for them.
  • If you would have all the money in the world.
  • Even when they become a competitive disadvantage.

I didn’t come up with this checklist. Jim Collins did. When he created the Vision Framework, which helps businesses develop a core ideology and envisioned future.

Now, grab a piece of paper and write down your 3 to 5 core values.

In case you need some inspiration, please find an overview of values to choose from on the website.

Hope this helps!

Thank you for reading Nudge #004, sent to busy subject matter experts on August 22, 2023.

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