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In professional services marketing relationships & trust are the big differentiator. Only when a (potential) client trusts you enough, will they award you the business you’re after.

Cultivating relationships and establishing trust takes a long time. What certainly helps is thought leadership content. Content that shows you’re an expert who has a clear idea of where things are headed and how (potential) clients should respond.

I believe thought leadership content combines these 4 things:

  1. Vision – What you think the future will look like. A vivid description of how the world, the economy and your clients’ market have all changed.
  2. Differentiators – What distinguishes you from others. The core values for your brand (i.e. the organization you work for). And the values that are most important to you.
  3. Expertise & experiences – What makes you a credible authority. The things you studied, know, and understand. The clients you worked for and the projects you did.
  4. Market developments – Current events that affect your (potential) clients and impact their business. The launch of a new machine learning model for example. Or the adoption of new legislation to limit global warming.

I’ve combined these 4 elements into a Thought Leadership Content Framework.

Vision, differentiators, expertise & experience will probably remain unchanged for years. The market however, is constantly evolving.

Which is great! Because it gives you an opportunity to regularly display your thought leadership:

“[X] happened. On your [= (potential) clients] journey towards [future], this means [implications].”

Convey your message in a comprehensible and appealing manner, to make the most of your thought leadership efforts.

Hope this helps!

Thank you for reading Nudge #018, sent to busy subject matter experts on March 5, 2024.

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