
MBD Boost – Archives

Since the start of 2024, marketers and business developers are reading my bi-weekly MBD Boost to keep going and do the right things.

All Boosts can be found in these archives.

  • Local marketing autonomy

    Local marketing autonomy

    As a local marketer within a global firm, you need autonomy. You can only be successful if you get the freedom (and responsibility) to develop and execute your marketing strategy…

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  • You may have scared your colleagues

    You may have scared your colleagues

    I know you don’t mean to, but chances are you’re scaring your colleagues… Recently, I spoke to a marketer at a professional service firm. He told me how difficult it…

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  • Stop using that funnel

    Stop using that funnel

    Stop using the marketing & sales funnel with non-marketers. Have you ever tried to explain marketing or sales using the marketing & sales funnel? Maybe to a subject matter expert…

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  • Ritson’s 3 simple strategy questions

    Ritson’s 3 simple strategy questions

    You gotta love Mark Ritson. Not just for the way he pronounces ‘marketers’ with a thick Australian accent. Or for his ability to curse his way through a presentation and still…

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  • Trends vs. hypes

    Trends vs. hypes

    Do you recognize the trends behind a hype? I totally get it: hypes are cool. They are new. Exciting even. Their shiny brightness makes them impossible to resist. Hypes will…

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  • Are you using this marketing flywheel?

    Are you using this marketing flywheel?

    Your subject matter experts are your marketing flywheel. Sorry. What!? Okay, let’s take a step back. In business there are certain positive feedback loops. Patterns in which the output reinforces the input.…

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  • There is no cutting corners

    There is no cutting corners

    This happens quite often in professional service firms… A partner, director or VP shows up at your desk: “Here’s an ad. And € 10 K to run it. I expect…

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  • Which desires do you fulfill?

    Which desires do you fulfill?

    It doesn’t matter whether you’re in B2C or B2B. When you’re in marketing, you’re in the business of getting people‘s attention. It doesn’t matter whether you call them customers or decision…

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  • You may have skipped a step

    You may have skipped a step

    Don’t you hate it!? You’ve been working on this marketing project for a while now, and it seems you’re stuck. The results are less than you expected. And enthusiasm for…

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