Since the summer of 2023, busy subject matter experts
have been reading my bi-weekly Nudges to make the most of their marketing & business development efforts.
All Nudges can be found in these archives.
Lifting the knowledge curse
As a subject matter expert, you are cursed. Cursed with knowledge. Wait. What? Isn’t knowledge a good thing? Well, yes. And no. A friend of mine recently said: “If you know…
Prompts to better understand your clients
Here are 4 consecutive prompts to better understand your clients. And when I say clients, in this case I mean the group of people that is or will be using your…
Boost your sales success
As a subject matter expert, you are largely responsible for doing your own sales. Did you know, there are a couple of questions that can massively boost your sales success?…
Your non-obvious advantages
Do you know your competitive advantage over your competitors? It’s very understandable if you don’t. As many subject matter experts never really had to think about it. They would “just”…
Let the market recognize you
Are you denying the market the possibility to recognize you as a credible expert? Over the past 13+ years, I worked with a lot of subject matter experts. Many of…
How to use LinkedIn in only 60 mins. / week
You may think you don’t have enough time to be active on LinkedIn. “Wrong,” says LinkedIn expert Wietske van Ierssel. One of her latest Posts inspired me to dedicate this week’s…
Time to check-in with your clients
Year-end is an excellent time to check-in with your clients. Here’s what to talk about: The talking points above are based on an article by The Mad Clientist geared towards lawyers. Most…
Neglected and misunderstood
As a subject matter expert you may sometimes feel fed up with your marketing department. They don’t seem to listen, when you’re asking them for help. Nor do they understand…
Stay up to speed on relevant developments
As a subject matter expert you are responsible for your client’s success. By delivering services that solve the imminent challenges in front of them. As a subject matter expert you…